sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2014

Food Delivery Solutions


Food Delivery SolutionsCases of solution oriented partnership

Food Delivery Solutions presents and discusses three proposed solutions for very specific needs: the needs of people with reduced access to food. These solutions have been developed adopting a particular set of instruments (the Solution Oriented Partnership Framework Methodology) to combine a variety of stakeholders with the aim of achieving effective, contextualised and sustainable results.
The book is organised in three parts: Backgrounds, an overview of the current situation of people with reduced access of food problems, Solutions, that presents the three proposals, and Transversal analysis, the discussion of the parallel experiences.
F. Jégou, P. Joore
E. Manzini, F. Jégou, P. Joore, H. Luiten, L. Rampino, P. Valota, S. Rocchi, C. Lindsay, E. Indekeu, A. Meroni, G. Cervetta, A. Marchesi, M. Marien, L. Vidal, J. Lambert, T. van der Horst

To download the book go to this link

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